I was at this rental community where I was asked to work in to reorganize the office and coordinate the clean up of the appearance of the community. Needing some exercise I decided to walk around and introduce my self to the tenants that were waiting for their children to arrive in a bus from the local school. I was talking to one lady as the bus pulled up and noticed a young child about 6 or 7 with braces on both of her legs. Quite a beautiful child with a smile that would melt any ones heart. I noticed the difficulty she was having getting off the bus and it broke my heart. She hobbled up to the lady I was talking to and cheerfully greeted her mother. I asked "who are you little girl?" She replied "I am Samantha, Are you God?"
This really took me by surprise and the mother sheepishly replied that she has been praying to God to heal her daughter so that she would not have to wear braces any more due to a birth defect. The doctors had said when she was born, she would never be able to walk but she does get around ok with the braces. The little girl spoke up and said "Mommy said that one day God would come to visit me and take away the braces". I was speechless but I felt the urge to say that some day He will do exactly that in due time and God does love you. He will not forget you. Needless to say she seemed a bit sad when I told her I was not God but I said I will include her in my prayers to God. The mother appeared to get tears in her eyes and said thanks for saying that. I didn't know how much that would mean to her. She said it seems that her prayers are not getting through. I told her yes her prayers do get through but it helps if more pray for Samantha. The mother asked if I was a pastor and I said no but I do believe that God can do miracles when the time is right.
As I drove of back to the office I felt compassion and anger that God would let this child suffer and asked Him to have compassion for Samantha and her family and grant this beautiful child her wish. This was one of the rare times when I wished I had the gift of healing through God's grace. Perhaps some day I may but I have to first get out of the desert I now feel trapped in.